Support Services

Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy Tests

If you need a pregnancy test, feel unsure about a pregnancy, or need someone to talk to, The Pregnancy Centre provides free pregnancy tests and confidential appointments.

Options Counselling

Options Counseling

News of an expected pregnancy can be incredibly stressful, especially if you don’t have support.  If you have questions or wish to talk through your options, we provide free and confidential counselling appointments.

Crisis Support

Crisis Support

We all experience stress and uncertainty, and we know that parenting struggles, mental health challenges, and relationship issues also make life more difficult. If you are pregnant or parenting and need emotional support, we invite you to meet with us.

You are important to us.

*Counselling and referrals are provided as needed.

For all Support Services: Text 1-833-243-8415 to register or drop-in Monday to Thursday 9 – 4pm.

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